Sunday, September 2, 2012

Is autism curable?

Don't misunderstand with the word "curable" in autism. Because there are a lots definitions of curable, is that referred to as 'cured'? If it is 'cured' is, the child is able to think and behave like normal children without special methods and no therapy, well that is impossible. Generally, children with autism could said to be 'cured' if they able to if he is able to live independently (according to age level), normally behave, well socialize and communicate with others and have enough academic knowledge that is appropriate for their age.

In some countries, there are children with autism who then grow up to become an independent and successfully person. We know that not all of the intelligence of these child is low. Some of them have an IQ below average, some have the normal IQ, there is even above average. In America and Europe, some of which are able to achieve Doctorate degree (PhD). To be categorized as successfully 'cured', determine by many factors. Among of them are: the autism levels of severity, age, intelligence level and speak and language ability of the children, supporting facilities such as therapists, doctors, special autism schools, parent readiness in helping to find the best for the children with autism, also well supported in their neighborhood.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Id Bracelets for Children With Autism

Awesome bracelet for children ages 3-9 years old. Your child can wear them when you go somewhere like City Park, Zoo or in any public place, as well as camps of summer sports, as an endorsement of emergency contact cards. This ID Bracelet is a great idea, but just is not going to stand well with his daily use. ID Bracelets care for these children are strongly built hook webbing and re-closable & bond also have a medical symbol as well as the "Vital ID Inside" on the exterior.
autism bracelet
Children with autism or sensory problems may only use these bracelets to "special" places, and we are proud to continue because it. If you are worried that your child has sensory issues will be affected by sentiment, but does not have a problem. Inside is a piece of waterproof paper in which you can write your contact information. You can also use a permanent marker, and have no problem with the water park. Child's ID bracelet, is recommended for parents who have children with autism. Check this out!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Autism diet for children

A special diet in children with autism are considered can relieve symptoms of autistic children. At least 1 of 5 children with autism perform a special diet such as avoiding foods that contain gluten (protein in wheat) or casein (protein found in milk). Basically the most important dietary therapy is to eliminate the source of peptide from casein (milk cows / sheep) and gluten (wheat). Here is an explanation:

Eliminating Casein. Fosfo-Casein is the protein contained in milk. Ways application of this diet is to eliminate everything from milk (dairy cow, goat, milk powder, skim, butter, cheese, cream, lactose, cottages, etc.). The visible effect is depend on the child age, the younger will normally faster. In 1995, Lucarelli conduct research. The result shows that 66% from 36 patients with autistic behavior has been improved after being gave milk-free therapy for eight months. Within a period, certain side effects of the diet exists as weight loss, but at the end of third week all the things will be improved.

Eliminating gluten. Means that eliminating protein (prolamin) from type of grains, such as wheats, barley, bulgur and oats. In 1999, Researchers from uk conducted experiments about the reduction of peptide levels in urine, and the result is 26% only in 5 months. Why just a little percentage of the results? This is due to peptide often enter into the body tissues. Peptide the are so many will be stored in fatty tissue. The older age of the child then the more being absorbed, so it is more difficult to dispose of it. Eliminating gluten from diet, does not immediately give the dramatic effect, except in young children. Usually the effect will appear within 3-4 weeks, and the diet should be done at least for 3 months

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Visual strategy to help a autistic child to navigate his day

Want to know the techniques for the construction of a visual strategy to help an autistic child to navigate through his day, what is natural and eventually contribute to the improvement of social interactions and forming a solid confidence, the basis for social functioning. The book writes by Ellen Notbohm, with title Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes Knew is recommended. You will learn autism accessible language and humor salty, has become one of the most beloved books of the autism community.

This book help to reminds us that our children are concrete thinkers and visual language to be interpreted literally. Ellen explains why languages do not work and how we can prepare to speak specifically and say what we mean to help our children understand, as any communication that does not make sense for a child just will not be accepted. Without help develop a functional way to communicate their needs, fears and desires, which will takes any way they want, which usually means going to manifest as behavior. Read more detail about this book

Autism Awareness Bumper Magnet

Promotes autism awareness with a striking design and colorful puzzle of the Autism Awareness Bumper Magnet. Show your support for the autism research and awareness with colorful car magnets set. Autism Awareness bumper magnet has a multicolored background pattern of autism puzzle piece. Each 3 "x 11.5" digital print magnet .034 "white, weather-resistant magnetic material. Ideal for refrigerators, lockers and vehicles.

Make sure both surfaces are clean and flat before applying the magnet to your vehicle. Remove magnet frequently and clean the surface water to avoid paint damage. Do not apply the patches of scaly rust or paint. If connected to a smooth flat surface to be able to travel safely at speeds up to 60 mph.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Early detection of autism in children

When the symptoms of autism can be detected as early as possible and do proper treatment and intense, we can help autistic children for develop optimally. Detection of autism can be done with a method called M-CHAT (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers). These are important questions for parents:
  • Does your child can imitates your behavior?
  • Does your child interested on other children?
  • Does your child ever bring an object for be shown to the parents?
  • Does your child can appoints to notify their interest in something?
  • Does your child responds when its name was called?
  • If you point a toy from a distance, whether your child will look at the toys?
If the answer is NO for two or more questions, then you should consult with professionals who are experts in child development and explore the field of autism and do not postpone gives necessary therapy of autistic children.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Characteristics of Autistic Children

Children with autism spectrum usually shows at least half of the list of autism signs are mentioned below. The autism symptoms can range from mild to severe and its intensity is different among each individual. We know that Autistic brain works with different way, so it's just a characteristic description, but for more details, you should contact an expert in child development and explore the field of autism. Children with autism can be recognized with the following characteristics:
  • Difficult to socialize with other children.
  • Laugh or a chuckle out of place.
  • Never or rarely making eye contact.
  • Insensitive to pain.
  • Loner. Having somewhat aloof in nature.
  • Likes things that spin / rotate the object.
  • Interest in one object excessively.
  • Hyperactivity / perform excessive physical activity or even to do nothing (too quiet).
  • Difficulty in expressing what they need, prefer to use a hand gesture or pointing instead of words.
  • Demanding the same thing, opposed the change for the routine things.
  • Do not care about the dangers.
  • Pursue the game in a strange way for a long time.
  • Echolalia (repeating words or sentences, not ordinary language).
  • Does not like to cuddle (being loved) or loving.
  • Does not responsive to cues of words, behave such as a deaf person.
  • Does not interested on ordinary teaching methods.
  • Easy to rampage and show sadness without obvious reason.
  • Gross motor skills and smooth motor skills that balanced (such as do not want to kick the ball, but can stacking blocks).