Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Autistic brain works with different way

Children with autism use their brains in a different way than normal children. This may explain why some autistic kids have the ability to memorize and able to drawing objects in great detail. The condition of each individual's brain is varied so there is people with autism who could not take part in social life.

According to the research, on autism, a brain area associated with the function of visual information is highly developed. Meanwhile, the rest of the brain is less active, especially in areas related to decision making and planning. It explains why some kids with autism are usually superior in visual tasks, such as draw something with very accurate and details. However, autistic children usually have the difficulty to translate the facial expressions.

The experts said that autism should not be viewed as behavioral difficulties but rather related to excellence in one particular skill. By understanding the shortcomings and weaknesses of children with autism are expected to give better understanding to maximize their potency.

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