Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Children late to talk, When need to worry about?

Parents should be worried when the children had impaired delays in speaking, especially when the disorder is classified as non-functional disorders. But if speech disorders are categorized as functional disorders usually not harmful. With the growing age after 2 years will be improve itself. The problem is, how to distinguish?

The case is often experienced by some parents who have children with delays in speaking. Talking and language disorders are one cause of developmental disorders, and most commonly found in children. Delays in speaking is the main grievances that often parents worry about and complained to the doctor. This disorder will appears and increases rapidly each day. Some reports mention that the incidence of speech and language disorders range from 50-10% in school-age children.

The cause of delays in speaking is vast and many. The disorder varies from mild to severe, from that could be improved in a certain age or until that hard to improve. Functional Speech delays are one of the causes which often experienced by some children. Speech delays in this category is usually mild and only an immaturity of talk function in children.

At a certain age, especially after age of two years old will usually be improve. When delays in speaking is not due to functional processes, then the disorder should be more aware because it is not something light. This is called nonfunctional speech disorders.

Nonfunctional delays in speaking should be quickly performed stimulation and intervention early. The earlier detection of speech delay, the better possible recovery of the disorder. Early detection of delays in talking should be done by all individuals involved in handling these children. This early detection activities involving parents, family, the treating obstetrician since pregnancy and pediatrician that treating the child. So in the early detection should be able to recognize whether delays in speaking of our child is something that is functional or nonfunctional.

According to some communication specialists, talking is the ability of child to communicate with the language by oral (mouth), which requires a harmonious combination of the neuromuscular system to issue the voice phonation and articulation. The speaking process involves multiple systems of body functions, involving the respiratory system, specifically the central regulator of speaking in brain inside the cerebral cortex, respiratory center in the brain stem and the structure of the articulation, resonance of the mouth and nasal cavity. So, speaking process need coordination between motor and sensory nervous system which hearing organ is very important.

Recommended Book: The Late Talker: What to Do If Your Child Isn't Talking Yet by Dr. Marilyn C. Agin,

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