Thursday, November 17, 2011

Recognize the characteristics of Asperger's

What is Asperger syndrome? Asperger's syndrome is one type of Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD). PDDs are a group of conditions including developmental delays in basic skills such as skills to socialize with, communicate and use the imagination.

Although Asperger's syndromes have in common with autism (PPDS the more severe types), this disorder also have differences in several areas. Children with Asperger's syndrome generally have a better function than children with autism. In addition, children with Asperger's syndrome generally have a normal intelligence. After adult they are likely will experience in communication disorders, however children with Asperger's syndromes tend to have near-normal language development.

The name of this disorder was taken from the name of Austrian pediatrician, Hans Asperger, who first described this disorder in 1944. Symptoms of Asperger's syndrome have a varied and range from mild to severe. Common symptoms are as follow:
  • Impaired social skills. Children with Asperger syndrome will have the difficulty interacting with others and often rigid in social situations. Generally they are difficult to make friends.
  • Eccentric behavior or repetitive habits. Children with this condition have the possibility to do repetitive movements such as finger flapping or wringing.
  • Uncommon rituals. Children with Asperger syndrome is likely to develop rituals that always followed, such as wearing clothes with specific sequence.
  • Difficulty in communicating. People with Asperger syndrome may be not making eye contact when talk to someone. They may have trouble using the expressions and gestures also difficult to understand body language. They also tended in trouble in the context of understand language
  • Limitations of interest. Children with Asperger's syndrome may have an intense interests even obsessed on some fields, such as weather, maps or sports schedules.
  • Coordination Problems. Motion of children with Asperger's syndrome looks reckless and stiff.
  • Talented. Many children with Asperger syndrome are very talented in certain fields, such as music or mathematics.
Exact cause of Asperger syndrome remains unknown. However, the facts show that there is a tendency of this disorder inherited in families.

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